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The workshop for business women living a multicultural life

Stop driving that taxi 🚕!

How to use  your multicultural skills &
work in a profession that gets you excited.

After the workshop you will have:


  • Calmed your mental overload. 

  • Solved the “one or the other” question.

  • Found answers to the constant questions in your head.

  • Go from thinking into action.

  • Be clear on the next steps to take.


I support women to connect their multicultural experience on a professional & personal level.

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Feeling continuously overwhelmed & undervalued?

Living a multicultural life is exciting, but it also has its shadow sides.

Feeling overwhelmed & undervalued is one aspect of working & living in a multicultural context.

It can also mean that you are not feeling seen and valued for your expertise and experience.


Along the way, moving from one city to another - it can happen that we loose part of who we are - personally or professionally. 


I hear you as I am on that journey. Luckily I have found my place professionally & personally & that makes me feel fulfilled as all of my pieces have come together.

I can show you how to do the same. 

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Imagine a business life filled with clarity & inner calm.

Being in a place where you love getting up in the morning to go to work with confidence & joy.


Being respected, heard and well paid,

by having a clear vision:


  • of your present and your future

  • what your personal multicultural skillset is

  • of the action steps to take next

  • of what your multicultural background is

  • in who you are & where you belong

  • your finances in order in an upward trend

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Deborah Lacy


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Alexandra Schade


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This workshop will make you realize:

Living a multicultural life without clarity and knowing where YOU stand is NOT an option.


Frankly - feeling constantly overwhelmed & undervalued is not a way to go through life. I have met so many women who have so much:


professional knowledge, experience, life wisdom,

resourcefulness, strength and openness for the new, amazing team skills & willingness to make a change.


The best part - is is so easy to change that!

It takes one first step to make the difference towards a life filled with clarity and feeling fulfilled and knowing that one makes a difference.


What do you have to loose - book the workshop!


Hi there - I'm Ariane

#ICF Certified Coach #Anthropologist #Entrepreneur


My heart beats for all things multicultural & women who are excited to explore life, those who are ready to grow with what life has to offer them & feel empowered because of it.

Feeling clear on your multicultural life is especially important in a professional sense. This is were we spend most of our time with. Feeling overwhelmed & undervalued can feel frustrating.


My background? I feel at ease on 2 continents and speak 3 languages. I have lived in Canada for 30 years before moving back to Germany. So I understand you, as I have left and have returned, needing to bring all my expertise and experiences with me to a country that had change as had I. 


This is what you get:


What? Answers to your multicultural professional life


How long? 1.5 hour workshop plus 30 min Q&A time


How? Via Zoom in a small group setting


Cost? Euro 49.- per person


This is what you will get:


+ A clear snapshot of your current cultural life
+ An understanding of the role you play
+ Action steps to move you forward
+ An accompanying workbook
+ Access to this workshop & recording
+ Connect with others who speak you language

Be part of something bigger by discovering

your multicultural wealth & skillset!


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Trine Mikkelsen

The combination of Ariane's personal experience with her gentle, wise, fun and open guidance I felt really supported exploring the topic of multicultural living & working.


Sharing the connection in a group of people in the same situation, offers an environment where I felt really supported on all levels to move through this very vulnerable and confusing process of understanding more about my multicultural life, how it affects you and possibly where you truly belong.


The amazing workbook which she Ariane put so much thought into was an added bonus!

Co-founder of Lykkå Village

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Sara Carneiro Parrode

This workshop was a true eye opener for me as I was able to gain new perspectives through the experience of the other participants. As a 3rd culture kid I have been moving all my life and I don't don't know what it means to come from this "one" place. By going through Ariane's workshop + book as a group and having time to exchange experiences, I was able to broaden my horizons & appreciate even more on what I have learned over all these years of. Living a multicultural life truly is a gift.

Health & Wellness Coach

Rye, New York, USA


Marie Janine Murmann

Looking at my multicultural life throughout the workshop allowed me to recognize on a deeper level that this kind of life is filled with positive experiences and not one of conflict.


Learning that culture is not just an ethnic definition, but also a way of life expanded my horizon & allows me to be more of who I really am.


I left the workshop feeling energized, heard, inspired, and encouraged to either transform one part of my life or take action with another.

Marketing Strategy & Consultant

London, England


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Can't I reach my goals on my own?

The synergy in the group as well as my expertise creates a momentum that moves you forward. Doing this on your own is much more challenging.


I’m too busy at the moment.

It is a question of priorities! If struggling in your professional life makes you feel miserable, what is stopping you to change that?


Currently my funds are low.

​This is your life, so investing in yourself, means believing in yourself & creating change. Taking a workshop is one step in the right direction.


I feel so overwhelmed.

​Then this workshop is perfect! You won't be alone with your feelings, questions and wish to make a change. I can promise you that you will love how easy change can be.


The question is - how long would you like to remain

in your current situation?

This workshop is your best first step!

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My Wednesday 's coaching impulses will give you clarity & inner peace, so that move on to the next chapter in your life.

One step at the time.


by Tamara Burke


by Lisa Jacobs Design

Copyright 2024

Ariane A. A. Schüßler

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