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Your personal clarity journey starts here.

Investing in yourself means putting yourself first & wouldn't that be wonderful?

This deep and individual 1:1 coaching is fully tailored to you. I take YOU and your unique situation and dream goals as a starting point. Based on that, I create a personalized program for you in which, week by week, you’ll take confident steps towards your most profound self. You might start out by working on the professional aspect of your life, but don't be surprised if personal questions come up too. The two really go hand in hand, just as your mind and body do as well. We’ll work on expanding your mindset, energetic state and strategy towards your life; and you’ll take consistent action steps to create tangible results you’ll feel so good about. Get ready - working with me 1:1 will move you forward in ways you could not imagine possible.

It will set you up to live your ONE life with joy. 



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Sylvie Caron

Ariane’s unique way of engaging with people made me feel at ease right away. Her soft spoken, kind, generous, insightful, and highly respectful ways, were deeply engaging and inspiring. Her interventions were always right on target and triggered within me those realizations of what needed to be in my life. Our moments together were often mind blowing as she helped me take an honest look at my life issues which opened new possibilities for me. Each session filled me with such positivity and energy. As a result, I feel lighthearted and can now embrace life with a new level of joy. Ariane provided me with hands-on resources and exercises to create long-term sustainable change in my life. 


Terrebonne, Canada

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Ariane Nake

My head was full of ideas for my business, but somehow they kept on spinning around and around. As a result I could not figure out and decide which one to follow and never moved into action with tangible results.

Ariane’s intuitive approach interlaced with result-oriented action steps were the perfect way for me to come to a decision. The high-impact moves we worked out together were powerful game changers.

All of this helped me to rewire what to focus my thoughts on and recognize what powers me up. The best part - I learnt how to build a solid foundation for myself not only professionally, but also for my personal life.

If you are ready to finally make that change in your life – this journey is for you

Founder of Digitale Freiheit

Portimao, Portugal


Mona Faridi

2 years ago I arrived as an immigrant in Freiburg from Iran feeling overwhelmed and insecure about what was to come. How was I going create this new life of mine - in a new city, speaking a new language?


My coaching with Ariane made me feel calm right away, with time organized and in control of my own life again. Ariane took me from insecure to confident, showed me how much I already know and how to apply that to my new life situation. She accompanied me along my path with a clear vision, practical tips, laughter and a strong believe in who I am. I now have woven together my two cultures and living a life with energy and a clear vision on what is and what is to come.

Freiburg, Germany

Wouldn’t it feel fantastic to finally 

  • Have a clear vision of your life, but not only see it, but actually live it. 

  • Live your life by your own rules personally and professionally.

  • Feel profoundly confident and clear in what you stand for.

  • Have a plan to guide you through the next week, months and years? 

  • Bring your ideas into the world and feel seen and heard.

  • Live your life to the fullest with financial clarity.

  • Build a community around you that carries you. 

  • Have your mojo  back and feel excited about living your life!

Yet in a quiet moment by yourself, when you’re being really honest to yourself, you might feel 

  • Lost in your own labyrinth of life, not knowing which way to turn.

  • Overwhelmed and drained from thinking about and analysing your situation, but not being able to act in such a way to make an impact.

  • Paralysed and wondering if you will ever find your place in this world.

  • Discouraged from trying things out randomly with no real success.

  • Being afraid that your true calling will never be heard, your voice lost.

  • That you will be stuck in the hamster wheel till the end of your life.

  • Uncertain on how to put professional experiences to use and balance it with your personal life.

  • Feeling insecure and unclear when it comes to your finances - wishing for financial freedom and independence.

  • Struggling to find your work/life balance, praying you will find it one day.


Most likely you have tried different things in the past, but deep down you recognize that you need a new approach, a way that will get you out of your funk. You are ready to stop pussy footing around and get real. 


For this clarity you dream of having somebody at your side to support you, to listen to you, to clarify and guide you through your action steps. You are ready to level up with an up-front, honest and compassionate coach that will be at your side all the way. 

Here is what you get in this 3 month journey and beyond:

  1. Tailored coaching to grow and be inspired :

    • Weekly 1 hr video group coaching calls

    • Your entire growth being captured in a personal document that is yours to keep. The beauty of this “diary” is that you will be able to return to your development whenever you wish to. 

    • Invitation to my private Facebook group

  2. Weekly support, progress and accountability:

    • No nonsense actions steps to implement in between sessions

    • Feedback by me of your documents, online assets, and other homework

    • WhatsApp support along the way to answer any questions that might come up to keep you in the flow

  3. Clarifying & sustainable energy to keep you moving forward:

    • A clear foundation of habits, systems and tools with which to move forward with

    • Free access to my on- or off line workshops

    • Being among the first to learn and access my newest growth experience offers.

    • Joining an ever growing community of like minded women.


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Teresa Malikiossis-Hintz

In Ariane, I found someone to talk to, someone who listened with a lot of openness, heart and commitment.

It was wonderful to realize that my ideas and life plans were being listened to without being judged or declared as "crazy". At that time my thoughts were all tangled up and I did not have a feeling anymore for what ideas made sense with the life I led. My coaching sessions helped me to sort through them and with time get clear on what I actually wanted. By developing real life actions steps I found my way to clarity and calm. Ariane's personality strengthens you to believe in yourself and to think carefully about how "woman" can reach their goals. It was important to me to put my health first again without losing sight of my professional development. Thank you very much for the wonderful and inspiring collaboration.

Early Childhood Educator, B.A. Health & Social Services

Berlin, Germany

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Viktoria Roussina

From the very first session with Ariane, I felt immediate clarity. She creates a safe space for me to express my challenges - for me personally it has been on how to embrace and get clarity around my new - professional - identity as a coach. She's an empathic listener and  I felt fully and completely heard & seen by her. For each challenge I brought up, Ariane had questions that felt individually tailored to me and my situation. I'm so enjoying working with Ariane, both on a personal and professional level!

Mindset & Personal Branding Coach

Berlin, Germany

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Geethika Chandani S. Dona

After living for over 10 years in Freiburg, where I met so many significant people in my life and which is also the birthplace of my Online Sri Lanka Cooking Classes, I moved to the Stuttgart area, leaving all my friends and other close contacts. This was a difficult transition for me and I got so motivated during Ariane´s coaching sessions. She had a structured approach which I found very helpful during this challenging chapter of my life. If you’re going through changes in your life, and need guidance, go and book some coaching session with Ariane! Experience for yourself how wonderful it feels to gain clarity in your life with Ariane’s inspiring & unique approach.


Stuttgart, Germany

Here is how it works

1:1 coaching is safe place to voice YOU. Without restrain.

With full support - remember I am holding the yarn!

A massive confidence boost, a shower of positivity.

Getting fired up to ACT on your dreams.

Gaining momentum and keeping it.

Seeing your ideas take shape and form.

Loving every step of the way.


When you have signed up, you will receive an onboarding Email and a form to fill out, to prepare you for your first coaching session with me. During this first session, we will take extra time so that I can walk you through the format of each session and introduce you to your personal online space. This will be the hub where all of your journey will be captured, where your personal strategy comes to life, documents will be kept and where you can prepare for each of our sessions. I will also be available to you via WhatsApp in-between session for support when questions come up.


Hi there - I'm Ariane


#ICF Certified Coach #Anthropologist #Networker


My heart beats for all things multicultural & women who are excited to explore life, those who are ready to grow with what life has to offer them & feel empowered because of it.


My background? I feel at ease on 2 continents and speak 3 languages. My M.A. in Social & Cultural Anthropology and my ICF certification as a Life Coach allow me to work on a professional level with my coachees.


My focus? Empowering women to live their multicultural life to the fullest by knowing where they truly belong.

The approach

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Stephanie Schami

Coming out of a long, heavy winter I was feeling depleted, lost, bored, stagnant, mildly depressed, at times even angry. My wheels were spinning and my creative spirit needed a spark. Through her gentle, loving manner, Ariane offered clear ideas, suggestions, intuitive feedback, and support. Her concrete and helpful tools helped to boost my energy, focus my mind, and shift my perspective. She acted as a vessel to guide me through the process of going from fear to confidence, from seeing myself as mundane and boring to someone who is multifaceted, creative and interesting. With Ariane at my side I brought up the courage to be that writer I always wanted to be. We integrated time pockets that would allow me to write and still take care of my son and working full time. Ariane helped me go from two-dimensional black & white to full-on 3D/HD color.I feel excited, inspired, and have regained footing on my path to creating the life I desire!

Yoga Teacher, writer

Okra, Quebec


Heike Hundertmark

My coaching experience with Ariane was inspiring, motivating and grounding. I realized that it takes time to get clear on what I want and that its valuable to invest that time, which ultimately means an investment into myself. It all leads to more growth and personal development … a beautiful upward spiral. It brought me to where I am today – on the right path to fulfillment while working towards my own company and finding the right way of life for myself. I am proud to have followed my dream and I love the fact that we put actionable items down that I am still able to work with today. As a coach Ariane is passionate, goal oriented and understanding and along my coaching journey I understood that my biggest leverage is where I can pour my heart and soul into my life & business as much as my brains. I can thoroughly recommend working with Ariane if you value yourself and your ideas and want to improve your quality of life. It is never the right time to work on these dreams, so why not start now?

Freiburg, Germany

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Sara Neves

When I was in my first year in business, I decided to offer website audits and Ariane was my very first. While I was the one offering my services, in the end, Ariane, being the kind and honest human being she is, gave me the best piece of advice yet. One I started implementing right away & one I come back to on a regular basis.

Ariane reminded me that people put a lot of effort into their websites & rather than focusing on what they did wrong at first to complement what they achieved. This sets the tone for the entire working relationship. Now, I make sure, I always start the audits by cheering my clients on their work they've already done.

Hearing someone giving you feedback might not feel good at first might, but when you listen, implement changes and start seeing the results, you become extremely grateful for their honesty.


That's why I admire Ariane's work because she pushed me to improve not only as a professional but also as an individual. I highly recommend Ariane to everyone who is always looking for professional and personal growth.

Founder & CEO of Unicorn Design

Ourém, Portugal

What you can expect


Congratulations! You have decided to step out of the labyrinth into clarity. After you have booked your hours, we will meet on a regular basis either in person or via a videoconferencing tool. ​


During our coaching sessions I will introduce you to tools from the agile project planning methodology as well as key elements of the "Ariadne logic". Your thougths, questions, tasks and progress will be captured in a Google document that will be yours. The beauty of this “diary” is, that you will be able to return to your newly worked out action steps whenever you wish to. 


Very important! I'm also there for you between coaching hours - via whatsApp or email. So you actually book a whole time quota with me, because the basic idea is to fully support you on your way, to be there for you and always to have an open ear for you. This will help you achieve your goals faster.


What do I do now

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit


anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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One step at the time.


by Tamara Burke


by Lisa Jacobs Design

Copyright 2024

Ariane A. A. Schüßler

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