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Coaching For The Multicultural, Creative, Career Shifting Women. 

Moving from Chaos to Clarity.

So that you find inner peace and can move on to the next chapter in your life.
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Where are you at in your life?

"I wish to live more authentically."

You are ready to get to know yourself better & live that side of you: reflecting your values, dreams and desires. Living by what truly motivates you. 

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"Find out what my next best step
will be."

Understand how move out of a situation you are in, but you don't know where to start or how to go about it. You wonder what your next best step could be. 

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"Take a decision & see how it's all interconnected."

Explore life options, decisions & understand how everything is interconnected. Knowing all that, take your next step with confidence. 


Why staying in chaos
is a downward spiral.

Chaos obscures clarity. Without a clear understanding of priorities, goals, or steps needed to address challenges, it becomes almost impossible to know what next steps will be the right one.


It's like you are a foreigner in your own life.


To move successfully forward, you need a strategy that is tailored to you and strengthens your sense of self – so that you'll have the clarity to take decisions and actions that are meant for you. Most of all, someone at your side, that you won't have to do it alone.

Hi there - I'm Ariane

#Certified Empowerment Coach #Solopreneur #Anthropologist


My passion is to support women on their path to clarity. inner peace & fully living the next chapter of their lives.


After 30 years of living in Canada I moved back to Germany, thinking it would be an easy transition, not realizing the challenges I would face. I felt lost, caught in a state of uncertainty, frustrated and unclear on how to get out of this chaos. At that moment I created a personalized roadmap, that respected me and was tailored in such a way that it strengthen my sense of self. 4 years later; I'm having an incredible impact with my coachees, allowing them to live a life designed to their desires while living and working while feeling more at peace than ever.



Most women try to solve this out of sync feeling,

By simply trying & working harder, expecting too much of themselves, standing at the edge of burnout & searching for a way out.


I totally understand the fear of feeling lost in your own life and not knowing where to turn next, questioning every aspect of your life, not seeing the big picture anymore. You long for that clarity, inner peace and a roadmap on how to move into the next chapter of your life.


And this is why for the past 7 years, I've coached women in 11+ countries to find clarity and inner peace, so that they live their new life chapters with confidence.


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Deborah Lacy

Ariane has a masterful way of balancing the structural, masculine energy with the intuitive, feminine. She has helped me recognize 

my strengths and asks great questions to get to the truth of my challenges and supported me to find creative solutions.

Creative Transformation Coach

London, England

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Ioanna Solomatina

Each session felt like an oasis of calm and positive energy.

One of my goals was to become more poised and self-possessed as a person, and in the sessions I felt myself get closer to this goal in real time. The coaching genuinely helped me at a pivotal time.

Human Resources Specialist
Guelph, Canada


Sarah Mac

Ariane helped me to identify and alleviate the ways I was sabotaging my progress.

By supporting me with encouragement & insights, I was able to set myself up for success. I highly recommend working with Ariane - this kind of support is a non-negotiable!

Coach, writer, Hip Hop artist

New York, USA


Let's find Clarity in your Chaos. Together. 

Clarity Call


  • 30 min free call 

  • grab the next free time slot 

  • via Zoom or in person

  • in English & German


You are interested in coaching, but wonder about timing, pricing & what my coaching is about. You are curious if my experience, style, offers & personality match your needs & who you are. Let's find out if we are harmonize. 

1:1 Coaching


  • 3 or 5 months

  • starting date per availability 

  • via Zoom or in person

  • in English & German


This is where the journey from chaos to clarity happens. No matter what your questions, challenges, goals or dreams are, I will meet you at eye level, so that you find inner peace & move on to the next chapter of your life.

Continued Coaching


  • 2 or 5 hours

  • flexible & short term

  • via Zoom or in person

  • in English & German


You wish to extend your coaching or you have an urgent topic you wish to discuss.

Prerequisite - we have worked together before & therefore we can dive right into what concerns you.

My Signature Workshop

Feel empowered by your multicultural life & get clear on your identity.


Let's take a closer look together at you multicultural life:

» By taking a snapshot to understand where you are currently at.
» By gaining clarity on the elements of life that are important to you.
» By stepping forward with intention to make your vision a reality.

Due to the intimate setting of this workshop - you will get an insights on how other women deal with mc questions, thoughts & worries. 

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Finally arrive in YOUR life.

Go from chaos in your life to multicultural clarity:


-> Work professionally that full-fills you.


-> Make your normal, normal again.


-> Be part of a community that understands you.


-> Hold on to who you are in the process. 


What are you waiting for?

The clarity call is free! Book your time slot now. 


Take these steps to book your clarity call:

1: Click on the yellow button below to book

your clarity call via Calendly.


2: Check your Email for your link. NO Zoom link?

Write to me at


3: For our ~30 min call make sure to be in a

quiet space. Bring your questions & paper to take notes & a cuppa of your choice.


I'm already excited to hear from you, see how we connect & how I can support you.

With clarity, Ariane

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Deborah Lacy


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Alexandra Schade


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Get a snapshot of your multicultural life.

Download this multicultural life wheel & understand where you stand in the elements that make up your life.

Cultures, languages, work or mindset? This life wheel will show you where you are glowing & where you can grow.

No matter where you are at in your multicultural life - this will be a great way to recognize your cultural assets & turn them into your advantage.

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Sign up for my free weekly 1- minute newsletter to find CLARITY in your chaos.

My Wednesday 's coaching impulses will give you clarity & inner peace, so that move on to the next chapter in your life.

One step at the time.


by Tamara Burke


by Lisa Jacobs Design

Copyright 2024

Ariane A. A. Schüßler

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